
Herobrine's Enemies

Herobrine is a mobster. He was born in 1799 and died just yesterday. His henchmen are a bunch of nameless haters.


Herobrine's Friend


Herobrine J. McFakeminecraftthingthatonlyidiotsbelieveisreal was born in 1799. He invented the world's first Thing. He became a mobster at the age of 5 and started murdering people. Soon, he recruited a bunch of nameless haters to work for him. Then he got killed. That's pretty much it.


  • The J. in Herobrine J. McFakeminecraftthingthatonlyidiotsbelieveisreal stands for Jeniffer.
  • Nobody know who killed Herobrine, but legend has it that his ghost became a politician.
  • People theorize that Herobrine is Canadian, but those people are dumb, so don't listen to them.
  • bacons is good for you sum morons say it isn't but it reely is
  • Some people say that Herobrine's eyes are white because he got hit by an alchoholic driving a Lamborghini. Another theory is that he's a ghost, or maybe that a Weegee stared at him.