
Let's Take Them Down is an episode of The Super Wario Bros. Wah-wah Show!


The Koopa Mafia return, holding the real Waluigi captive. Meanwhile, the fake Waluigi turns out to be Wawaluigi and attacks Wario and Waluigi once his disguise is revealed.


Scene 1[]

Wario is sitting on his couch, half-asleep. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door.

WARIO: Whuh? One sec!

The door rattles. The knocks on the door increase in force.

WARIO: OK, OK! Quit it! I paid for that door, you know!

Wario is about to open the door when it flies off its hinges and hits Wario in the head. The Koopa Mafia busts in, led by Dry Bones. Note: Whenever Dry Bones speaks, he just makes clattering sounds. Whatever he says appears below him via subtitles.

DRY BONES: There he is! He's KO'd!

SOME TINY MORON THAT NOBODY CARES ABOUT: Let's take him with us and hold him hostage!

DRY BONES: We don't need to. We already have Waluigi.

Suddenly, Wario jumps up from the ground and grabs Dry Bones.

WARIO: WHAT did you say? You've captured the real Waluigi?

DRY BONES: Urk...let me go...let me go...

WARIO: I knew the Waluigi I've been living with wasn't real! Tell me where he is!


Scene 2[]

Wario throws Dry Bones into a Goomba, which was standing behind Some Tiny Moron That Nobody Cares About and holding a large sack, and flattens it. The sack opens, and Waluigi hops out!


WARIO: There you are. Wait...

Wario punches Waluigi in the nose.

WALUIGI: Hey! What was that for?

Waluigi slaps Wario in the face.

WARIO: That's what I was looking for! You're real, all right. Let's take them down!

Suddenly, the fake Waluigi busts in, carrying Mr. Jenkins.

MR. JENKINS: Help! I tried to beat him into submission, but he fought back!

Suddenly, the fake Waluigi's color scheme flickers, then turns negative.

WALUIGI: Hey! That must be...

WAWALUIGI: That's right. I'm Wawaluigi.

DRY BONES: Created in our Wa-Machine...

WAWALUIGI: To destroy you!

KOOPA MAFIA: Let's take them down!

The words "To Be Continued" appear on the screen as it fades to black.


Let's take them down!


According to many renowned mathematical calculations, Wawaluigi is actually Luigi.
