
The Shy Guy Armada is a splinter group of the Shy Guy Mafia and is related to Evil Guy. They were originally

Shy guy armada

The Shy Guy Armada in its prime.

behind the bombing of E4 and love cheese because it contains nitroglycerin. Their rivals are the Cheese Haters, who had their own episode in The Super Evil Guy Super Show! as did the Shy Guy Armada.

As the Shy Guy Mafia[]

The Shy Guy Armada was originally a part of the Shy Guy Mafia, a group of extremist Shy Guys. They first made themselves known by defeating the Pac-man fans in the Battle of the Green Cheese. They had offered their assistance to the Cheese Lovers, but received no gratitude or compensation. Thus began the Shy Guy Mafia's eternal conflict with the Cheese Lovers. Because of it, a part of the Shy Guy Mafia would later split off into a group called the Cheese Haters. This particular group was filled with the people who hated the Cheese Lovers and were also against the E4 bombing, which was another conflict entirely.

Splitting Away[]

The E4 bombing was a tragic event that occurred in 1906. It involved the Electronic Evil Embellishment Expo, better known as E4, which had been taken over by companies like Sony and Sega. Since E4 was originally founded by Nintendo, for Nintendo, the Shy Guy Mafia was understandably upset. What was not understandable, however, was the fact that they sent two Fly Guys to drop nitroglycerin on the E4 building. E4 was permanently cancelled because of their actions, and many of the original Shy Guy Mafia members decided to quit and form their own group. These would later become the Cheese Haters. The original members of the Shy Guy Mafia decided to stay and rename their group the Shy Guy Armada. This new group would later adopt a new leader and build a secret base underneath Yoshi's Island, as seen in the movie EvilGuy 008.
