
Webkinz are Smoke Weed shaped characters created by R. Kelly and Bill Cosby at a dinner party.

Webkinz Logo

Webkinz's awful logo.


They were released in 201301 B.C. and originally didn't consist of 666 of them. Later the collection shrunk to 300 after Luigi spread a rumor to Waluigi that Sonic stole them to play after there were only one of all those stolen 366 Webkinz were released. The 366 limited edition Webkinz were named the Stuparded Webkinz. Collectors, even these days, try to steal Sonic's collection, but when they approach his house, shots can be heard, warning them to go away. Rumor has it, that at Sonic's death (at age 0) in 2186, the legendary Webkinz will be put up for sale. But maybe NOT!

Alright, so that History Channel guy said that Waluigi will re-create those Webkinz in 9001 A.C.S.R. But maybe that's way too late. Who knows?

No new Webkinz came out until 4 A.C. when Gourmet Guy illegally released 1,037 new Webkinz. The total of Webkinz skyrocketed to 1,337, and darn, pretty-looking Shames were impressed. The website, Webkinz.no.ob was then launched 1 second after the 1,037 new Webkinz were released, and surprisingly, they coincidentally clashed with the 1,037 new Webkinz. The illegal Webkinz were soon found out by Bill Cosby when he was surfing on PooBay with dial-up. Though at the moment, he was on that good kush and alcohol, so he made them legal anyway, and welcomed them into the Webkinz World.

The website worked, by placing a paper plate with "SCAN MY WEBKINZ" written in Ketchup in front of your Shame Boy's screen, and then going to your nearest preschool and tossing your Webkinz at the wall. 25 hours later, the Webkinz was scanned and you were ready to play Webkinz Battlez with R. Kelly, the creator of Webkinz on your Nintendo SD. It also worked on the Nintendo SD Phat as well. Though before long, the predecessor of the predecessor of the predecessor of the predecessor of SBK Radio reported a message, that said "DON'T PLAY WEBKINZ. IT'S A VIRUS." And so came the Webkinz Crash, when R. Kelly saw the message, and shut down Webkinz on an average day. All Webkinz fans decided to make a fan site, and it was shut down the minute after it was put online, and the domain remains forgotten.

Webkinz came back online 6 years after the incident, and by then most people put their Webkinz in the East Hyrule Incinerator. So this was a worthless site, until 600 years passed. R. Kelly made a GIANT advertising campaign, that even shoved ads IN YOUR FACE. We mean it. These ads were on every electronic screen in Toad Town, on every billboard in West Hyrule, commercials aired twice on every commercial break on every channel in the Mushroom Kingdom, special edition Shame Boys were made in East Hyrule just for advertisement, heck, even promotional movies and shames were made. Tired of all this advertising, Toad bought one Webkinz and tested it for damage while Walouise was filming. Later, this video was put to theaters, and now THIS made everyone buy Webkinz. All the Webkinz were sold, and that continued until 2000 A.C. when the Webkinz Factory was bombed, and the servers for the website were D.D.O.S.'ed and abandoned by John Guggenheim and Muscle Man. Then, half of all 12 quadrillion Webkinz blackmarketed (sold) were taken to the East Hyrule Incinerator, and the other half were used as Smoke Weed.

In 2007, two brothers, Doku and Roku revived Webkinz, by making a show called Webkinz Bros. It was a flop though, and was cancelled in 2009, but after that, more people used it often, and so what happened happened.



  • Webkinz is mentioned in all Pixor movies, and is centered around the plot of Retards Inc. and Retards University.
  • Waluigi now hates Webkinz.
  • Go play it!
  • Weegee killed Ms. Birdy.