
There's a Weegee clone in the background too.

Weegee Wars is a Shame based on the Weegee Clone Wars.


One day Weegee was floating home, when he found a tank in the bushes. He took the tank home and fixed it up and stuff. He turned it on. He then got mad with power and went to destroy the world one city at a time with the help of His clone.

How to play[]

The player controls Weegee and his clones in the tank, trying to blow up toilets so people will explode from not being able to go. Weegee uses stuff like Bob-Ombs to get rid of the Toilets. As the player progresses, Weegee will earn new vehicles that he buys from George W. Bush's shop in Pakistan. The player can then use the new vehicles to cause mayhem and blow up stuff.


Aside from the Bomb-Ombs you can acquire automatically and the weapons you can buy from George W. Bush, there are 4 ultimate weapons for you to acquire, all hidden.

  • Pie - This is in Venice, Italy. Destroy the ICBM and then go into the hidden temple. Pie will be located under the water when you come out. Use your Weegee stare to make it resurface.
  • Ganon - this is located in Petra, Jordan. Destroy all 4 sub machine missiles and then shoot the discolored wall after the check point. Ganon will then join you. His "YOU MUST DIE" attack yells the previous statement, destroying every enemy on screen.
  • Spaghetti - In Frankfurt, Germany. Destroy all of the Anti Weegee Frankfurter trucks, and then diffuse the Anti Weegee bombs. It will be waiting for you at the checkpoint. It makes a screeching SPAGHETTI that sounds even if the volume is on 0, making enemy pilots stupid.
  • Ultra Weegee Stare - This upgrades your Weegee stare, allowing you to use it for a longer time, and making it more powerful. It is located in the Junkyard at the beginning of the game. Use your Weegee stare for 30 seconds at the ground where you first see the tank, and you will receive it, however, you must destroy the pie machine in Venice first


This game got bad reception due to random RBST (Really Big Strong Tanks) popping out of nowhere.


Weegee can use his Weegee Stare on enemy infantry to make them his to use against other enemies.
