
Youtube are a bunch of loserd that live in Video Hubbub Land where a lot of hobos make a noise and send videos to the site because they're bored so it's also known as HoboLandYoutube Poop is a type of funny video that they send as well as a Sparta remix. They always have grammar problems just like the ArcadeHobo and say too much swearing, lols, XDs,=Ps and Rofl.



The Youtube Poop war[]

In the year 174l, Google (run by Evil Guy) killed killed Mr. Youtube Guy and took over youtube. They started to remove every Youtube Poop, but Sonic Mario, Luigi and The King  fought back. They poisined the google persons using Waluigis and saved youtube poop, but were not able to restore youtube to the way it was. Nobody, Mario and The King had a party.

To this day, google is still destroying youtube, but youtube poops are still safe.

See Also[]
